HOW TO INSTALL Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - baraka computer ststems

HOW TO INSTALL Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS

How to

Developer Team : Active IT zone Available from : 16 july 2015 Software Framework : CodeIgniter 3

Software Version : PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 MySQL 5.x

2020 © All Rights Reserved @ ACTIVE IT ZONE

How to

Details Online Knowledge-base

  1. How to install the script? (both for local & online server)

  2. How to install the script online manually?

  3. How to install the script on the local server manually?

  4. How to activate the script?

  5. How to set up business setup?

  6. How to upload physical products (Both from admin & vendor)?

  7. How to Physical Product Bulk Upload (both from Admin & Vendor)?

  8. How to Upload Product bundle (from admin panel)?

  9. How to upload digital products (Both from admin & vendor)?

  10. How to set up display settings?

  11. How to create a vendor package?

  12. How to manage vendors?

  13. How to purchase a product?

  14. How to configure Facebook login API?

  15. How to configure Google + login API?

  16. How to manage customers?

  17. How to manage staff and permission roles?

  18. How to send a newsletter?

  19. How to add a language?

  20. How to configure SMTP email system?

  21. How to add new currency?

  22. How to add Google Map API key?

  23. How to configure recaptcha?

  24. How to configure email templates?

  25. How to configure currency format?

  26. How to configure Paypal payment gateway?

  27. How to configure Stripe payment gateway?

  28. How to configure 2checkout payment gateway?

  29. How to configure Voguepay payment gateway?

  30. How to configure PayUmoney payment gateway?

  31. How to configure SSL Commerz payment gateway?

  32. How to pay vendor?

  33. How to manage vendor payment settings from vendor panel?

  34. How to manage wallet system from admin?

  35. How to deposit at wallet?

  36. How to pay from wallet?

  37. How to configure google analytics to system?

  38. How to purchase customer packages for classified?

  39. How to post product from customer profile?

  40. How to create customer’s packages for classifieds?

  41. How to manage Customer Profile?

  42. How to delete contents?

  43. How to use Guest checkout?

  44. How to manage activation from admin panel?

  45. How to Activate Vendor Commision System?

  46. How to set Vendor Commision?

  47. How to configure SEO settings?

  48. How to Manage Product Affiliation?

  49. How to Use Product Affiliation?

  50. How to set redirect redirect urls for social logins?

  51. How to add Facebook Chat ?

1. How to install the script (both for local & online server)?


Please follow the following procedure to install this script in local or online server:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from CodeCanyon to your server in the public_html or, any other directory you intend the script to run.

  2. Extract the zip file in that directory.

  3. Create a new database from your server MySQL with PhpMyAdmin.

  4. Create db user to the database and link that database to the db user.

  5. Go to the URL of the unzipped folder.

  6. Make sure the required files are permitted writeable in the folder you put them and all the requirements are fulfilled by the server environment.

  7. Fill up these Installation form with your database hostnamedatabase usernamedatabase password and database name respectively which you have created in the previous step.

  8. Provide your default admin credentials in the form.

  9. Click on “Install Supershop” and wait for the installation to complete.

  10. Links to “Activation Form”, admin panel and the frontend of the site will appear. First,

activate the license for your online domain and then browse in it.

2. How to install the script in online manually? Answer:

Please follow the following procedure to install this script in online manually:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from CodeCanyon to your server in the public_html or, any other directory you intend the script to run.

  2. Extract the zip file in that directory.

  3. Create a new database from your server MySQL with PhpMyAdmin.

  4. Create db user to the database and link that database to the db user.

  5. Make sure the required files are permitted writable in the folder you put them and all the requirements are fulfilled by the server environment.

  6. Go to PhpMyAdmin and import the sql in your created database from the extracted files


  7. Open the application/config/routes.php and make:

    $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘home’;

  8. Open the application/config/database.php file and change the below values with your


    ‘hostname’ => ‘localhost’,

    ‘username’ => ‘Mysql username’, ‘password’ => ‘Mysql password’, ‘database’ => ‘Database name’,

  9. Copy config.php file from uploads/installation folder and paste it to application/config folder. Replace the files with the same name. Make sure sess_driver and sess_save_path are like this:

    $config[‘sess_driver’] = ‘database’;

    $config[‘sess_save_path’] = ‘ci_sessions’;

  10. Import the database from uploads/installation/uploadable_database.sql

Finally browse the script.

Admin URL : your site/admin , Email, Password : 1234

Vendor URL: your site/vendor Here is the video link :

3. How to install the script in local server manually? Answer:

Please follow the following procedure to install this script in local:

  1. Create a new folder in your htdocs/www folder.

  2. Extract the downloaded script in that folder which you have just created.

  3. Go to PhpMyAdmin and create a new database & import the sql from the extracted files (uploads/installation/uploadable_database.sql).

  4. Copy config.php file from uploads/installation folder and paste it to application/config folder. Replace the files with the same name.Open the file routes.php and set default controller as “home” as below :

    $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘home‘;

  5. Open the application/config/database.php file and change the below values with your data:

‘hostname’ => ‘localhost’,

‘username’ => ‘phpmyadmin username’, //default is root

‘password’ => ‘phpmyadmin password’, // default password is blank for

‘database’ => ‘database name’,

Finally browse the script:

Admin URL : your site/admin , Email, Password : 1234

Vendor URL : your site/vendor

4. How to activate the script?


Following the given procedure below will make the license activated for your domain and you’ll

be able to use the script smoothly:

  1. Open the link in the browser.

  2. In the respective fields, put your Name, E-mail, CodeCanyon Username, Purchase Key

    and your intended domain name for the script and verify the captcha.

  3. The form will be submitted to check the purchase key and then activate the licence for that domain.

  4. You can change the activation later from this same form. Activating a Regular License again with another domain name will remove the activation of the previous domain.

4. How to setup business setup?


  1. How to do Activations?

    1. Log into Admin Panel.

    2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Activation.

    4. To permit upload, display and sale of Physical Products, turn the switch on.

    5. To permit upload, display and sale of Digital Products, turn the switch on.

    6. To activate Vendor System, turn the switch on.

    7. To activate Vendor System, turn the switch on.

    8. To activate Show vendor, turn the switch on.

    9. To permit Vendor Commission, turn the switch on.

    10. To permit Vendor Package, turn the switch on.

    11. To permit Wallet System, turn the switch on.

    12. To permit Wallet System, turn the switch on.

    13. To permit Product Affiliation, turn the switch on.

    14. To permit Guest Checkout, turn the switch on.

    15. To permit payments via PayPal, turn the switch on.

    16. To permit payments via Stripe, turn the switch on.

    17. To permit payments via VoguePay, turn the switch on.

    18. To permit payments via Twocheckout, turn the switch on.

    19. To permit payments via PayUMoney, turn the switch on.

    20. To permit payments via Cash on Delivery, turn the switch on.

  2. How to configure payment methods and shipment settings?

    1. Log into Admin Panel.

    2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Payment Methods.

    4. Provide PayPal related information

    5. Provide Stripe related information

    6. Provide VoguePay related information

    7. Provide Twocheckout related information

    8. Provide Pay U Money related information

    9. Set Shipping Cost Type - either Product Wise or, Fixed

    10. Shipping Cost for Fixed type

    11. Provide Shipment Info for displaying in the product description page

  3. How to setup currencies?

    1. Log into Admin Panel

    2. From Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Currency

    4. Default system currency is United States Dollar (USD)

    5. From the list of currencies, you can provide the exchange rate with USD($) and save.

    6. You can click on Sync on each currency to get the current exchange rate.

    7. You can set/unset any currency for displaying in the frontend.

  4. How to setup FAQ?

    1. Log into Admin Panel

    2. From Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select FAQs

Add FAQ questions and answers by clicking Add More FAQs button

6. How to upload Physical Products (both from Admin & Vendor)?


To upload a physical product (both from Admin & Vendor), we have divided the whole process into sub-processes.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From your panel’s navigation, go to Products → Physical Products.

  3. Create a Category of the product which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Brand of the product. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create a Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category & Brands.

  6. Go to Products → Physical Products → All Products where all the products are listed which are uploaded.

  7. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product’ is

    placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product.

  8. To specify the information of the product, we have created 3 sections so that Admin/Vendor can represent the product especially. The 3 sections are - Product Details, Business Details & Customer Choice Options.

    1. In the Product Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e product name, description, images etc). In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. If you need more information to specify the product, you can do it easily by clicking the ‘Add More Fields’ button.


      The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, shipping cost, discounts and tax.

      The Customer Choice section is used to satisfy customer requirements. In this


      section, you can add different colors, sizes, etc. of the product. Like as Product

      details section, there is a ‘Add Customer Input Options’ button.

  9. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 8.

  10. After uploading the product, you can see the uploaded products in the Product List Table (Products → Physical Products → All Products) where you can View, Edit, Delete, Discount, Stock, Destroy your product. There are some more options like Today’s Deal, Publish, Featured are given to spread out the product in some special parts of the system so that customers can easily find out and purchase your product.

7. How to Physical Product Bulk Upload (both from Admin & Vendor)?


You can easily upload a Physical Bulk Product by completing the following steps.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Products > Physical Products.

  3. Create Category of the product, in which category you want to upload your product. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create Brand of the product. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category & Brands. If the Subcategory is already created, skip this step.

  6. For Vendor product upload skip the step 3-5

  7. Go to Products > Physical Products > Physical Bulk Upload.

  8. Click on the Button ‘Download product Bulk Upload Skeleton File‘ to download the skeleton file and fill it with data.

  9. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled. Click on

    the button ‘Download product Bulk Upload Example File’ to download the example file.

  10. Once you have downloaded and filled the skeleton file , upload it from ‘Upload Your Products‘ section.

  11. You will get more instruction in Products > Physical Products > Physical Bulk Upload page.

8. How to Upload Product bundle (from admin panel)?


To upload a physical product (both from Admin & Vendor), we have divided the whole process into sub-processes.

  1. Log in to the Admin panel.

  2. From panel’s navigation, go to Products . Then Physical Products.

  3. Create a Category of the products, which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Brand of the products. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create a Subcategory of the products by selecting the right Category & Brands.

  6. Go to Products Physical Products Product Bundle for uploading your bundle products.

  7. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product bundle’ is placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product. To add multiple products by click add more product button.

  8. To specify the information of the product, we have created 2 sections so that Admin can represent the product especially. The 2 sections are - Bundle Details, Business Details.

    • In the Bundle Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e bundle title, category, sub-category, brand, unit, tags description, images etc.) In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. After filling up all the info click the next button to go Business Details section.

    • The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, shipping cost, discounts and tax.

  9. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 8.

9. How to upload Digital Products (both from Admin & Vendor)?


You can easily upload a Digital Product by completing the following steps.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From your panel’s navigation, go to Products → Digital Products.

  3. Create a Category of the product which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category.

  5. Go to Products → Digital Products → All Digital where all the products are listed which are uploaded.

  6. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product’ is

    placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product.

  7. To specify the information of the product, we have created 3 sections so that Admin/Vendor can represent the product especially. The 3 sections are - Product

    Details, Business Details & Requirements.

    1. In the Product Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e product title, description, images etc). In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. If you need, you can Add Video for your product. The product file must be compressed to *.zip or *.rar file and the product file size shouldn’t be more than the maximum size given. If you need more information to specify the product, you can do it easily by clicking the ‘Add More Fields’ button.


      The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, discounts and tax. There is no shipping cost because customer can download the product after purchase.

      The Requirement section is used to show the minimum requirements for the


      product to install. You can add the requirement by clicking the ‘Add Product Requirements’ button.

  8. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 7.

  9. After uploading the product, you can see the uploaded products in the Product List Table (Products → Digital Products → All Digitals) where you can View, Edit, Delete, Discount your product. There are some more options like Today’s Deal, Publish, Featured are given to spread out the product in some special parts of the system so that customers can easily find out and purchase your product.

  10. How to setup Display Settings?


Display Settings is one of the most important features in Active Super Shop from where you can change the total outlook of the system. You can easily setup the Frontend by following the steps given below.

  1. Log in the Admin Panel using the authenticated email & password.

  2. From the Navigation, Go to Front Settings → Display Settings.

  3. The Display Settings is split into 8 sub-sections.

    1. Homepage: There are 2 different layouts for Homepage. Choose a layout and click on the ‘Update Home Page’ button to set the layout for the homepage. Admin can set the items of the selected homepage layout from the ‘Change Home Page Items’ section.


Contact: Admin can change the contact information from here which will be shown in the contact page.

Footer: In this section, admin can choose the categories which will be shown in the footer & set the footer text.

Theme Color : There are 16 color themes in the system. By choosing one color theme, you can change the whole system color.

Logo : In this section you can upload logo. Uploaded logos will be appeared in the All Logo section & can be deleted from here. You can change the Admin Logo, Homepage Header Logo & Homepage Footer Logo from the uploaded logos.

Favicon : You can change the favicon from here.

Fonts : There are 10 different Fonts available in the system. Admin can change fonts just clicking the boxes.

Preloader : There are 30 different Preloaders available in the system. Admin can







change the preloader as well as can change the preloader color & preloader background color in RGB format.

11. How to create Vendor Package?


Active Super Shop is a Multi-Vendor eCommerce System where Admin can differentiate the vendors by creating different vendor packages. To create a vendor package follow the below steps.

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel using email & password.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Vendor → Vendor Package where you can see a table of

    Vendor Package List which are created before.

  3. Above the vendor package list, click on the button named ‘Create Vendorship’ to create

    the vendor package.

  4. Fill up the form by giving the proper title of the vendor package, set the no. of maximum products a vendor can upload of this package, define a price of the package, set the duration of expiration of the package and select a vendor package seal.

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the vendor package.

  6. The newly created package will be shown on the Vendor Package List (Vendor 

Vendor Packagetable where you can Edit & Delete the package.

Video tutorial

12. How to manage vendor?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, Go to Vendor.

  3. We have divided the whole Vendor Management into 3 parts to simplify the system so that anyone can understand the processes completely. These 3 parts are described as Vendor List, Vendor Payments & Vendor Packages.

    1. Vendor List:


      Total list of the vendors are shown in a table from where this list can be downloaded in pdf, xls or csv file format. Admin can search for any specific vendor from the search box available in the table.

      From the list Admin can view a short described profile of the vendors.


      Admin can approve newly registered vendors and can also postpone the vendors to log in.


      Admin can pay to vendor a certain amount to money which are sold through the online payment methods. Admin will not pay to vendor for those products which are sold on cash on delivery method.

      Admin can delete any vendor from the list.


    2. Vendor Payments:



      A list of vendors are shown who have upgraded their



      ii i.

      Admin can check payment details. Admin can delete any payment.

    3. Vendor Package: Admin can create, edit & delete vendor packages from here. Admin can also download the package list in pdf, csv or xls file format and can search for specific vendor package. Process of creating a vendor package:



Log in to the Admin Panel using email & password.

From the Navigation, go to Vendor → Vendor Package where you can see a table of Vendor Package List which are created before.

Above the vendor package list, click on the button named ‘Create Vendorship’ to create the vendor package.

Fill up the form by giving the proper title of the vendor package, set the no. of maximum products a vendor can upload of this package, define a



price of the package, set the duration of expiration of the package and select a vendor package seal.

v. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the vendor package.

The newly created package will be shown on the Vendor Package List (Vendor → Vendor Packagetable where you can Edit & Delete the package.

13. How to purchase a product ?

Answer: The Process of purchasing a product

  1. Click on the ‘Add to cart’ button of any product which you want to purchase.

  2. The products which are added to cart will be on the right side of middle header portion.

  3. From there, go to checkout page.

  4. Log in to your account using authenticated email & password or you can login through social media(facebook & google plus). If you are already logged in, follow the next step.

  5. In the checkout page, you can apply the coupon if it is provided to you. Then click ‘next’.

  6. Enter the address where you want to deliver your products. Then click ‘next’.

  7. Choose your payment method. Then Place your order.

  8. Complete the payment using your paypal or stripe account.

  9. System will generate an invoice for your purchase. You can print the invoice.

14. How to configure facebook login api?


For Facebook:

  1. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Third party Settings 

    Social Login Configuration.

  2. Turn the facebook login setting status on.

  3. For the App ID & App Secret, go to and login with your facebook account.

  4. After log in, from the menu go to My Apps → Create a new App.

  5. Give your app a display name, your contact email and choose a category for your app. Then create your App ID.

  6. Make your status Button ON from the top right side of the page.

  7. After creating the App ID you will be redirect to your App ID settings.

  8. Go to Products section from the right side of the page and click the Facebook Login -> Settings. In Client OAuth Settings section click the enable button. Fill the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs with and click save changes.

  9. Go to Settings → Basic, fill up the form and in the bottom of the from you will see a button Add Platform. Click the button and choose website. Then set your website url in this section. [N.B: in the app domain section use “http://”, then ]

  10. Go to App Review and make your app public just turning on the switch.

  11. From the Dashboard, click on the show button to see the App Secret.

  12. Now copy the App ID and App Secret and paste it into your system and click save


15. How to configure google plus login api?

Answer :

  1. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Third party Settings 

    Social Login Configuration.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Third party Settings 

    Social Login Configuration.

  3. Turn the google login setting status on.

  4. For the client id, client secret and API key, go to and login to google account.

  5. From the sidebar click on the credentials and create a project.

  6. Then create a credentials by choosing the OAuth Client ID.

  7. Configure consent screen by giving the proper information and then save.

  8. Choose the application type, name and set the restrictions and create the credentials.

  9. After that, you will get the Client ID and Client Secret.

  10. Then click on the create credentials and choose API key and you will get API key.

  11. From the Library find out the google+ api. Click on it and enable the api.

  12. Copy the Client ID, Client Secret and API key and paste these to your system and set the redirect url. Then click on the save button.

16. How to manage customer?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Customer.

  3. From here, Admin can view the total purchase of the customers.

  4. Admin can view a summary of the customer profile and can delete customer.

  5. Admin can download the total list of the customers in pdfxls or csv file format.

17. How to manage staff and permission role?


  1. From the Navigation, go to Staffs → Staffs Permissions.

  2. Click Create Role button.

  3. Create a role by giving the permission that you want to handle that role.

  4. Then, go to Staffs → All Staff and create an admin with the created role. Admin can edit the role permission and can delete role when it is unnecessary.

  1. How to send newsletter?


    • Log in to Admin Panel.

    • From the Navigation, go to Messaging → Newsletter.

    • Enter the emails of the users and subscribers.

    • Enter the email from where the newsletter will be sent.

    • Enter the subject and contents of the newsletter.

    • Finish the process by clicking the send button.

  2. How to add a Language?


    To set language go to admin navigation Language.

    • Add new language:

      • Click on “Add Language” button.

      • Insert language name icon.

      • Click on the save button.

    • Word translation:

    • Click on “Set Translation” button on required language from the list.

    • Open google chrome and install this extension to your browser. onfhkkikfgjllcleb

    • Click on the extension icon located in the top of your browser and click on TRANSLATE THIS PAGE.

    • Choose your language from the drop-down and this will translate the whole page.

    • After that, scroll down and click on the Translate button. (the text “Translate” will

      be translated to your language)

    • Click on the save all button to translate the words. (the text “Save All” will be

      translated to your language)

    • Or you can translate each word manually.

  3. How to configure SMTP email system?


To configure SMTP email system, change the following features from your gmail account.

  1. Log in to your gmail account and go to 'My Account' by clicking on the image of the top right corner.

  2. Click the Sign-in & Security tab.

  3. Turn off the 2-step verification feature from Sign in to Google section.

  4. Turn on Allow less secure apps from Connected Apps & Sites section.

After making these changes from your gmail account, go to your Admin panel and follow these steps:

  1. From the navigation, go to Frontend Setting → Site Settings → General Settings.

  2. Click on the Smtp Settings tab.

  3. Fill up the form as below:

    Smtp host: ssl://

    Smtp port: 465

    Smtp user: YOUR GMAIL ID


  4. Click on the save button to save the changes.

and follow the steps on the page.

[ N.B: Sometimes it takes more time than usual to send mail, if the receiver is using other account but not gmail account. ]

21. How to add new currency?


  1. From the navigation, go to Business Settings → Currency.

  2. Go to bottom of the All Currencies list.

  3. Fill up the last row of the list as below:

    • i. In the first column write the name of your currency.

    • ii. In the second column write the symbol of your currency.

    • iii. In the third and fourth column write the value of your currency which is equal to 1 USD.

    • iv. Publish your currency by clicking on the switch.

  4. Click on the save button to save the changes. 5.

22. How to add Google Map API key?


  1. Go to Google API Console.

  2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.

  3. If the API Manager page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select API Manager.

  4. On the left, choose Credentials.

  5. Click Create credentials and then select API key.

  6. Copy the API key and paste it to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Third Party Settings → Google map.

  7. Click on the save button to save the changes.

23. How to configure reCaptcha?


To configure your recaptcha you will need a google reCAPTCHA Site Key and a google reCAPTCHA Secret key.To obtain these API keys follow these steps:

  1. You need to sign up on .

  2. Click on Get reCAPTCHA button.

  3. If You don't have any sites registered, then Register a new site by your domain. [ reCAPTCHA will work for its subdomain automatically]

  4. Then you will get Site Key and Secret key.

  5. Go to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Third Party Settings → Captcha Settings

    of your admin panel and set API keys.

  6. Turn on the captcha status.

24. How to configure email templates?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings → Site Settings → Email Templates..

  3. Each email has a subject and a body. Change subject and body according to your desire.

  4. In the email body section, DO NOT change the words which are started with double third bracket (example: [[to]] ).

  5. Then click on the update button.

  6. Below this section, there is an option for changing the background of each email template. Choose any one background and then click on the update button.

25. How to configure currency format?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Currency.

  3. Scroll down to the set currency format section.

  4. Choose the currency format from any one of the three.( US format is set to default).

  5. Choose the symbol format from the given two format.

  6. Choose the no of decimal points you want to show in the price.

  7. Lastly, click on the save button to save the changes.

26. How to configure Paypal payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of paypal payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the Paypal Settings section, enter your valid paypal email and choose the account type.

  7. Sandbox account type is used for demo transactions. When you will be ready for business change your account type to original.

[N.B: If you don’t have a paypal account, you can create a paypal account from Paypal Registration and it’s free! ]

27. How to configure Stripe payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of Stripe payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the Stripe Settings section, enter Stripe Secret Key and Stripe Publishable Key which you have got from your stripe account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a stripe account, you can create a new one from Stripe Registration and

it’s free! ]

28. How to configure 2checkout payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of 2checkout payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the 2checkout Settings section, enter 2checkout User ID and Secret Key which are available in your 2checkout account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a twocheckout account, you can create a new one from 2checkout Signup

and it’s free! For demo purpose you can create a demo account 2checkout Sandbox Signup ]

29. How to configure Voguepay payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of Voguepay payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the Voguepay Settings section, enter Voguepay Merchant ID which is available in your

Voguepay account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from Voguepay Signup

and it’s free!]

30. How to configure PayUmoney payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of PayUmoney payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the PayUmoney Settings section, enter PayUmoney Merchant ID, Merchant Salt and Account Type which is available in your PayUmoney account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from PayUmoney Signup and it’s

free! ]

31. How to configure SSL Commerze payment gateway?

Answer :

  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings → Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of SSL Commerz payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings → Payment Methods.

  6. In the SSL Commerz Settings section, enter Ssl Store Id , Ssl Store Password and Account Type which is available in your SSL Commerz account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from SSL Commerz Signup and it’s free! ]

32. How to pay vendor?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to vendors → vendor list.

  3. Choose Pay button, check the amount & select the payment gateway(vendor need to set the gateway first from vendor panelfrom dropdown.

  4. Then click on save.

  5. From navigation, go to Pay to Vendor & click on payment status > make it paid. Add any details if needed.

  6. Then click on save.

33. How to manage vendor payment settings from vendor panel?


From the vendor, panel vendor can set the payment gateway by which he/she can receive payment from admin.

  1. From navigation, go to Payment Settings.

  2. The vendor can switch on any given gateway & set the required credentials of the gateways.

  3. Then click on Save.

  1. . How to manage the wallet system from admin?


    To manage the wallet system you need to go through the following steps :

    1. Log in to Admin Panel.

    2. From the navigation, go to Customers → Wallet Loads.

    3. Here you will find a list of wallet loads by all customers with the info of their AmountPayment Method, and Payment Status.

    4. Admin can View Payment Details or even Delete any Payments as he/she wishes.

  2. . How to deposit at wallet?


    A user can deposit at their wallet from their customer profile :

    1. Log in to your Customer Profile.

    2. Now select the Wallet tab from the Profile navigation bar.

    3. Click on the Deposit to the Wallet button.

    4. Select the Amount and Payment Method click the Deposit button.

    5. After your payment process is completed the amount will be deposited into your Wallet.

  3. . How to pay from the wallet?


A user can pay from the deposited amount in Wallet :

  1. From Checkout in the Payment Option, they will find a Wallet option.

  2. Select it and click the Place Order button to pay from Wallet.

37. How configure google analytics to the system?


A user can simply set google analytics to his/her system by following the steps below :

  1. Go to Google Analytics.

    ( Note: If you have a Google account, and are not signed in, click Sign in. If you do not have a Google account, click Create Account to open a new account )

  2. Click Sign in to Google Analytics with your Gmail account.

  3. Click Sign Up.

  4. Fill in your Account Name, Website Name, Website URL, and select an Industry Category and Reporting Time Zone.

  5. Under Data Sharing Options, check the boxes next to the options that you want.

  6. Click Get Tracking ID.

  7. From the Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement that opens, click I Accept.

  8. Now log in to your Admin panel and from Navigation go to Frontend Settings -> Site Settings -> Third Party Settings.

  9. Go to the Google Analytics tab and enable the status option.

  10. Now input the Tracking ID previously acquired and save the settings.

38. How to purchase customer packages for classified?


  1. Registrar & login as a customer.

  2. Go to top left side of the home page and click Premium packages

  3. From the premium package page, customers needs to choose their suitable package from 4 different packages Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum and click Get this package.

  4. Select your payment method from PayPal, Strip or Wallet and click confirm the purchase.

39. How to post product from customer profile?


  1. Log in to the customer profile.

  2. Go to left navigation bar and click POST PRODUCT

  3. Fill the text fields named Title, Category, subcategory, Brand, Price, location, choose file for Product Image & then Product description.

  4. Customers can also add additional info by clicking Add more fields. And then click

Upload to complete the product uploading process.

40. How to create customer’s packages for classifieds?


  1. Log in to Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to the Customer → Premium package.

  3. Choose the Edit button, Select any of the designed packages for editing and then click Upload.

41. How to manage Customer Profile?


  1. Registrar & login as a customer.

  2. From the left navigation, customers can select the following sections.

  • Profile: Customer can see their profile info in a single look from the first page. Can also change their profile picture by clicking on the picture icon in the PROFILE INFORMATION section.

  • Wallet: Customers can deposit money to their online wallets in this section. Click on Deposit to Wallet and select the amount & payment method.

  • Wishlist: Customers can see the list of their desired product and add them Cart or can also remove them.

  • Order History: Customer can see their detailed order history of products they buy and also trace them by putting the sale code of the product by ORDER TRACING section.

  • Downloads: In Downloads, the customer will be able to see their purchased digital goods.

  • Uploaded Products: Customers will find their uploaded products list in this section. From Here customer can change their product Availability Status from available/sold by clicking the Edit button & also make their current product published or unpublished.

  • Package Payment Info: To check on package information go to Package Payment Info section where customers can see their Payment Type, Amount, Package Name, Date, Status & view transaction info

  • Edit Profile: Customers can change & update their Personal Info & profile

    Password from here.

  • Support Ticket: To communicate with admin customers can Create ticket from here and also check All messages.

  • Post Product: For posting a product go to the Post product section and fill up the info with Title, Category, subcategory, Brand, Price, location, choose file for Product Image & then Product description. Customers can also add additional info by clicking Add more fields.

42. How to delete contents?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to Delete Contents

  3. Choose from Delete All Categories, Delete All Products, Delete All Brands, Delete All Classifieds and click on the submission button.

43. How to use Guest checkout?


  1. Add product to the cart.

  2. Then click Checkout. After that click the Guest Checkout button that will appear in the login popup.

  3. Click the Next option and fill up the information about First Name, Last Name, Address, email, phone number and click next.

  4. Select any payment method from Paypal, Stripe, Voguepay, PayUmoneyCash On delivery system, or Wallet loads. And click Place Order.

  5. After a successful purchasing payment invoice will be shown up and the buyer will receive an invoice mail too.

  6. Admin will be notified when a buyer purchases a product from his sales section.

  7. Admin will be able to change the delivery status, can view the Full invoice, and also can

delete it from his admin panel.

44. How to manage activation from the admin panel?


  1. Log in to Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to Business Settings. And select Activation.

  3. Admin can enable/disable activation options for Physical Product, Digital Product, Product Bundle, Classified Product, Vendor System, Show Vendors and Wallet System from this section.

45. How to Activate Vendor Commission System? Answer:

  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings.

  3. Select Activation.

  4. Admin can enable/disable the vendor commision system from this section. When admin activates the commision system, Vendor package activation will automatically turn off. Between the Vendor commision system & vendor Package system, Admin can activate one of them at a time.

46. How to set Vendor Commision? Answer :

  1. Log in to the admin panel

  2. From the Navigation, go to Vendors.

  3. Select Vendor commision.

  4. Admin can set the commision percentage for vendors from this section.

47. How to configure SEO settings? Answer :

  1. Log into the Admin panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to SEO Settings.

  3. Admin can add keywords, Author, set revisit days and add description from this section.

48. How to Manage Product Affiliation ? Answer :

  1. Login to Admin panel.

  2. You need to enable “Product Affiliation” to use this feature from left Navigation > Business setting > Activation – Product Affiliation.

  3. Then go to Frontend Settings > Site Settings > General Settings – Affiliation Settings


  4. Set the Affiliation Validity After This Many Days The Validation For Affiliated Code Will Expire. Default 30 Days), Affiliation Point To Currency Rate ( 1 Point = X Mount Of Your Currency. Putting 3.2 Here Means If You Convert 10 Affiliated Points To Wallet, You Will Get 10 X

    3.2 = 32 Of Your Currency. Default 1 A.P. = 1 Actual Currency ) and then click on the Save

    button to save the changes.

  5. Admin can set Affiliation Points for products by Sub Category in Subcategory

Add or edit.

49. How to Use Product Affiliation ?


  1. Login as a Customer.

  2. In the product Quick View or Product Details page you will get a button named ‘Affiliate

    , Click on the affiliate button and copy the link.

  3. Share this link with your friends and family.

  4. You will get an Affiliate point when anyone purchase product by your shared link.

  1. How to set redirect redirect urls for social logins?



    the redirect url should be: [http/https]://[your_site_url]/home/login_set/back/fart Google

    the redirect url should be: [http/https]://[your_site_url]/home/login_set

  2. How to add Facebook Chat ?


From admin panel go to Frontend Settings > Third party settings > Facebook chat configuaration

You must set the facebook page id and the switch must be on. How do I find my Facebook Page ID? To find your Page ID: Go to your facebook page.

  1. From News Feed, click Pages in the left side menu.

  2. Click your Page name to go to your Page.

  3. Click About in the left column. If you don't see About in the left column, click See More.

  4. Scroll down to find your Page ID below More Info.

51. How to add Bitcoin (coinpayments) ?


Sign up to


Generate a new button from

An html is generated.Do not copy the whole form just copy the merchant id

Set the merhant id in Supers Shop's admin panel->Business Settings->Payment Method Make sure to turn Bitcoin on from admin panel->Business Settings->Activation

From coin settings check bit coin Set the currency to usd


Testing cannot be done by bitcoin

So, while testing another coin Litecoin Testnet must also be checked.


Before going to live uncheck this.

Read the article below to understand how to test with Litecoin Testnet (LTCT) integration

How To

How to

Developer Team : Active IT zone Available from : 16 july 2015 Software Framework : CodeIgniter 3

Software Version : PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 MySQL 5.x

2020 © All Rights Reserved @ ACTIVE IT ZONE

How to

Details Online Knowledge-base

  1. How to install the script? (both for local & online server)

  2. How to install the script online manually?

  3. How to install the script on the local server manually?

  4. How to activate the script?

  5. How to set up business setup?

  6. How to upload physical products (Both from admin & vendor)?

  7. How to Physical Product Bulk Upload (both from Admin & Vendor)?

  8. How to Upload Product bundle (from admin panel)?

  9. How to upload digital products (Both from admin & vendor)?

  10. How to set up display settings?

  11. How to create a vendor package?

  12. How to manage vendors?

  13. How to purchase a product?

  14. How to configure Facebook login API?

  15. How to configure Google + login API?

  16. How to manage customers?

  17. How to manage staff and permission roles?

  18. How to send a newsletter?

  19. How to add a language?

  20. How to configure SMTP email system?

  21. How to add new currency?

  22. How to add Google Map API key?

  23. How to configure recaptcha?

  24. How to configure email templates?

  25. How to configure currency format?

  26. How to configure Paypal payment gateway?

  27. How to configure Stripe payment gateway?

  28. How to configure 2checkout payment gateway?

  29. How to configure Voguepay payment gateway?

  30. How to configure PayUmoney payment gateway?

  31. How to configure SSL Commerz payment gateway?

  32. How to pay vendor?

  33. How to manage vendor payment settings from vendor panel?

  34. How to manage wallet system from admin?

  35. How to deposit at wallet?

  36. How to pay from wallet?

  37. How to configure google analytics to system?

  38. How to purchase customer packages for classified?

  39. How to post product from customer profile?

  40. How to create customer’s packages for classifieds?

  41. How to manage Customer Profile?

  42. How to delete contents?

  43. How to use Guest checkout?

  44. How to manage activation from admin panel?

  45. How to Activate Vendor Commision System?

  46. How to set Vendor Commision?

  47. How to configure SEO settings?

  48. How to Manage Product Affiliation?

  49. How to Use Product Affiliation?

  50. How to set redirect redirect urls for social logins?

  51. How to add Facebook Chat ?

1. How to install the script (both for local & online server)?


Please follow the following procedure to install this script in local or online server:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from CodeCanyon to your server in the public_html or, any other directory you intend the script to run.

  2. Extract the zip file in that directory.

  3. Create a new database from your server MySQL with PhpMyAdmin.

  4. Create db user to the database and link that database to the db user.

  5. Go to the URL of the unzipped folder.

  6. Make sure the required files are permitted writeable in the folder you put them and all the requirements are fulfilled by the server environment.

  7. Fill up these Installation form with your database hostname, database username, database password and database name respectively which you have created in the previous step.

  8. Provide your default admin credentials in the form.

  9. Click on “Install Supershop” and wait for the installation to complete.

  10. Links to “Activation Form”, admin panel and the frontend of the site will appear. First,

activate the license for your online domain and then browse in it.

2. How to install the script in online manually? Answer:

Please follow the following procedure to install this script in online manually:

  1. Upload the zip file downloaded from CodeCanyon to your server in the public_html or, any other directory you intend the script to run.

  2. Extract the zip file in that directory.

  3. Create a new database from your server MySQL with PhpMyAdmin.

  4. Create db user to the database and link that database to the db user.

  5. Make sure the required files are permitted writable in the folder you put them and all the requirements are fulfilled by the server environment.

  6. Go to PhpMyAdmin and import the sql in your created database from the extracted files


  7. Open the application/config/routes.php and make:

    $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘home’;

  8. Open the application/config/database.php file and change the below values with your


    ‘hostname’ => ‘localhost’,

    ‘username’ => ‘Mysql username’, ‘password’ => ‘Mysql password’, ‘database’ => ‘Database name’,

  9. Copy config.php file from uploads/installation folder and paste it to application/config folder. Replace the files with the same name. Make sure sess_driver and sess_save_path are like this:

    $config[‘sess_driver’] = ‘database’;

    $config[‘sess_save_path’] = ‘ci_sessions’;

  10. Import the database from uploads/installation/uploadable_database.sql

Finally browse the script.

Admin URL : your site/admin , Email :, Password : 1234

Vendor URL: your site/vendor Here is the video link :

3. How to install the script in local server manually? Answer:

Please follow the following procedure to install this script in local:

  1. Create a new folder in your htdocs/www folder.

  2. Extract the downloaded script in that folder which you have just created.

  3. Go to PhpMyAdmin and create a new database & import the sql from the extracted files (uploads/installation/uploadable_database.sql).

  4. Copy config.php file from uploads/installation folder and paste it to application/config folder. Replace the files with the same name.Open the file routes.php and set default controller as “home” as below :

    $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘home‘;

  5. Open the application/config/database.php file and change the below values with your data:

‘hostname’ => ‘localhost’,

‘username’ => ‘phpmyadmin username’, //default is root

‘password’ => ‘phpmyadmin password’, // default password is blank for

‘database’ => ‘database name’,

Finally browse the script:

Admin URL : your site/admin , Email :, Password : 1234

Vendor URL : your site/vendor

4. How to activate the script?


Following the given procedure below will make the license activated for your domain and you’ll

be able to use the script smoothly:

  1. Open the link in the browser.

  2. In the respective fields, put your Name, E-mail, CodeCanyon Username, Purchase Key

    and your intended domain name for the script and verify the captcha.

  3. The form will be submitted to check the purchase key and then activate the licence for that domain.

  4. You can change the activation later from this same form. Activating a Regular License again with another domain name will remove the activation of the previous domain.

4. How to setup business setup?


  1. How to do Activations?

    1. Log into Admin Panel.

    2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Activation.

    4. To permit upload, display and sale of Physical Products, turn the switch on.

    5. To permit upload, display and sale of Digital Products, turn the switch on.

    6. To activate Vendor System, turn the switch on.

    7. To activate Vendor System, turn the switch on.

    8. To activate Show vendor, turn the switch on.

    9. To permit Vendor Commission, turn the switch on.

    10. To permit Vendor Package, turn the switch on.

    11. To permit Wallet System, turn the switch on.

    12. To permit Wallet System, turn the switch on.

    13. To permit Product Affiliation, turn the switch on.

    14. To permit Guest Checkout, turn the switch on.

    15. To permit payments via PayPal, turn the switch on.

    16. To permit payments via Stripe, turn the switch on.

    17. To permit payments via VoguePay, turn the switch on.

    18. To permit payments via Twocheckout, turn the switch on.

    19. To permit payments via PayUMoney, turn the switch on.

    20. To permit payments via Cash on Delivery, turn the switch on.

  2. How to configure payment methods and shipment settings?

    1. Log into Admin Panel.

    2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Payment Methods.

    4. Provide PayPal related information

    5. Provide Stripe related information

    6. Provide VoguePay related information

    7. Provide Twocheckout related information

    8. Provide Pay U Money related information

    9. Set Shipping Cost Type - either Product Wise or, Fixed

    10. Shipping Cost for Fixed type

    11. Provide Shipment Info for displaying in the product description page

  3. How to setup currencies?

    1. Log into Admin Panel

    2. From Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select Currency

    4. Default system currency is United States Dollar (USD)

    5. From the list of currencies, you can provide the exchange rate with USD($) and save.

    6. You can click on Sync on each currency to get the current exchange rate.

    7. You can set/unset any currency for displaying in the frontend.

  4. How to setup FAQ?

    1. Log into Admin Panel

    2. From Navigation, go to Business Settings

    3. Select FAQs

Add FAQ questions and answers by clicking Add More FAQs button

6. How to upload Physical Products (both from Admin & Vendor)?


To upload a physical product (both from Admin & Vendor), we have divided the whole process into sub-processes.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From your panel’s navigation, go to Products Physical Products.

  3. Create a Category of the product which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Brand of the product. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create a Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category & Brands.

  6. Go to Products Physical Products All Products where all the products are listed which are uploaded.

  7. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product’ is

    placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product.

  8. To specify the information of the product, we have created 3 sections so that Admin/Vendor can represent the product especially. The 3 sections are - Product Details, Business Details & Customer Choice Options.

    1. In the Product Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e product name, description, images etc). In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. If you need more information to specify the product, you can do it easily by clicking the ‘Add More Fields’ button.


      The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, shipping cost, discounts and tax.

      The Customer Choice section is used to satisfy customer requirements. In this


      section, you can add different colors, sizes, etc. of the product. Like as Product

      details section, there is a ‘Add Customer Input Options’ button.

  9. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 8.

  10. After uploading the product, you can see the uploaded products in the Product List Table (Products Physical Products All Products) where you can View, Edit, Delete, Discount, Stock, Destroy your product. There are some more options like Today’s Deal, Publish, Featured are given to spread out the product in some special parts of the system so that customers can easily find out and purchase your product.

7. How to Physical Product Bulk Upload (both from Admin & Vendor)?


You can easily upload a Physical Bulk Product by completing the following steps.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Products > Physical Products.

  3. Create a Category of the product, in which category you want to upload your product. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Brand of the product. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create a Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category & Brands. If the Subcategory is already created, skip this step.

  6. For Vendor product upload skip the step 3-5

  7. Go to Products > Physical Products > Physical Bulk Upload.

  8. Click on the Button ‘Download product Bulk Upload Skeleton File‘ to download the skeleton file and fill it with data.

  9. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled. Click on

    the button ‘Download product Bulk Upload Example File’ to download the example file.

  10. Once you have downloaded and filled the skeleton file , upload it from ‘Upload Your Products‘ section.

  11. You will get more instruction in Products > Physical Products > Physical Bulk Upload page.

8. How to Upload Product bundle (from admin panel)?


To upload a physical product (both from Admin & Vendor), we have divided the whole process into sub-processes.

  1. Log in to the Admin panel.

  2. From panel’s navigation, go to Products . Then Physical Products.

  3. Create a Category of the products, which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Brand of the products. If the brand exists, skip this step.

  5. Create a Subcategory of the products by selecting the right Category & Brands.

  6. Go to Products > Physical Products > Product Bundle for uploading your bundle products.

  7. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product bundle’ is placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product. To add multiple products by click add more product button.

  8. To specify the information of the product, we have created 2 sections so that Admin can represent the product especially. The 2 sections are - Bundle Details, Business Details.

    • In the Bundle Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e bundle title, category, sub-category, brand, unit, tags description, images etc.) In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. After filling up all the info click the next button to go Business Details section.

    • The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, shipping cost, discounts and tax.

  9. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 8.

9. How to upload Digital Products (both from Admin & Vendor)?


You can easily upload a Digital Product by completing the following steps.

  1. Log in to the system with appropriate information.

  2. From your panel’s navigation, go to Products Digital Products.

  3. Create a Category of the product which you want to upload. If the category is already created, skip this step.

  4. Create a Subcategory of the product by selecting the right Category.

  5. Go to Products Digital Products All Digital where all the products are listed which are uploaded.

  6. In the Top Right corner above the product list table, a button named ‘Create Product’ is

    placed to create product. Click on the button to specify the information of the product.

  7. To specify the information of the product, we have created 3 sections so that Admin/Vendor can represent the product especially. The 3 sections are - Product

    Details, Business Details & Requirements.

    1. In the Product Details section, all the information is given about the product (i.e product title, description, images etc). In this section, we have shown some basic information for the product. If you need, you can Add Video for your product. The product file must be compressed to *.zip or *.rar file and the product file size shouldn’t be more than the maximum size given. If you need more information to specify the product, you can do it easily by clicking the ‘Add More Fields’ button.


      The Business Details section deals with the product sale price, purchase price, discounts and tax. There is no shipping cost because customer can download the product after purchase.

      The Requirement section is used to show the minimum requirements for the


      product to install. You can add the requirement by clicking the ‘Add Product Requirements’ button.

  8. After completing the following steps, you can upload your product by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. If you find any problems with the product information, you can reset the forms by clicking the ‘Reset’ button and can start-up from the Step 7.

  9. After uploading the product, you can see the uploaded products in the Product List Table (Products Digital Products All Digitals) where you can View, Edit, Delete, Discount your product. There are some more options like Today’s Deal, Publish, Featured are given to spread out the product in some special parts of the system so that customers can easily find out and purchase your product.

  10. How to setup Display Settings?


Display Settings is one of the most important features in Active Super Shop from where you can change the total outlook of the system. You can easily setup the Frontend by following the steps given below.

  1. Log in the Admin Panel using the authenticated email & password.

  2. From the Navigation, Go to Front Settings Display Settings.

  3. The Display Settings is split into 8 sub-sections.

    1. Homepage: There are 2 different layouts for Homepage. Choose a layout and click on the ‘Update Home Page’ button to set the layout for the homepage. Admin can set the items of the selected homepage layout from the ‘Change Home Page Items’ section.


Contact: Admin can change the contact information from here which will be shown in the contact page.

Footer: In this section, admin can choose the categories which will be shown in the footer & set the footer text.

Theme Color : There are 16 color themes in the system. By choosing one color theme, you can change the whole system color.

Logo : In this section you can upload logo. Uploaded logos will be appeared in the All Logo section & can be deleted from here. You can change the Admin Logo, Homepage Header Logo & Homepage Footer Logo from the uploaded logos.

Favicon : You can change the favicon from here.

Fonts : There are 10 different Fonts available in the system. Admin can change fonts just clicking the boxes.

Preloader : There are 30 different Preloaders available in the system. Admin can







change the preloader as well as can change the preloader color & preloader background color in RGB format.

11. How to create Vendor Package?


Active Super Shop is a Multi-Vendor eCommerce System where Admin can differentiate the vendors by creating different vendor packages. To create a vendor package follow the below steps.

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel using email & password.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Vendor Vendor Package where you can see a table of

    Vendor Package List which are created before.

  3. Above the vendor package list, click on the button named ‘Create Vendorship’ to create

    the vendor package.

  4. Fill up the form by giving the proper title of the vendor package, set the no. of maximum products a vendor can upload of this package, define a price of the package, set the duration of expiration of the package and select a vendor package seal.

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the vendor package.

  6. The newly created package will be shown on the Vendor Package List (Vendor

Vendor Package) table where you can Edit & Delete the package.

Video tutorial :

12. How to manage vendor?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, Go to Vendor.

  3. We have divided the whole Vendor Management into 3 parts to simplify the system so that anyone can understand the processes completely. These 3 parts are described as Vendor List, Vendor Payments & Vendor Packages.

    1. Vendor List:


      Total list of the vendors are shown in a table from where this list can be downloaded in pdf, xls or csv file format. Admin can search for any specific vendor from the search box available in the table.

      From the list Admin can view a short described profile of the vendors.


      Admin can approve newly registered vendors and can also postpone the vendors to log in.


      Admin can pay to vendor a certain amount to money which are sold through the online payment methods. Admin will not pay to vendor for those products which are sold on cash on delivery method.

      Admin can delete any vendor from the list.


    2. Vendor Payments:



      A list of vendors are shown who have upgraded their



      ii i.

      Admin can check payment details. Admin can delete any payment.

    3. Vendor Package: Admin can create, edit & delete vendor packages from here. Admin can also download the package list in pdf, csv or xls file format and can search for specific vendor package. Process of creating a vendor package:



Log in to the Admin Panel using email & password.

From the Navigation, go to Vendor Vendor Package where you can see a table of Vendor Package List which are created before.

Above the vendor package list, click on the button named ‘Create Vendorship’ to create the vendor package.

Fill up the form by giving the proper title of the vendor package, set the no. of maximum products a vendor can upload of this package, define a



price of the package, set the duration of expiration of the package and select a vendor package seal.

v. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the vendor package.

The newly created package will be shown on the Vendor Package List (Vendor Vendor Package) table where you can Edit & Delete the package.

13. How to purchase a product ?

Answer: The Process of purchasing a product

  1. Click on the ‘Add to cart’ button of any product which you want to purchase.

  2. The products which are added to cart will be on the right side of middle header portion.

  3. From there, go to checkout page.

  4. Log in to your account using authenticated email & password or you can login through social media(facebook & google plus). If you are already logged in, follow the next step.

  5. In the checkout page, you can apply the coupon if it is provided to you. Then click ‘next’.

  6. Enter the address where you want to deliver your products. Then click ‘next’.

  7. Choose your payment method. Then Place your order.

  8. Complete the payment using your paypal or stripe account.

  9. System will generate an invoice for your purchase. You can print the invoice.

14. How to configure facebook login api?


For Facebook:

  1. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings Site Settings Third party Settings

    Social Login Configuration.

  2. Turn the facebook login setting status on.

  3. For the App ID & App Secret, go to and login with your facebook account.

  4. After log in, from the menu go to My Apps Create a new App.

  5. Give your app a display name, your contact email and choose a category for your app. Then create your App ID.

  6. Make your status Button ON from the top right side of the page.

  7. After creating the App ID you will be redirect to your App ID settings.

  8. Go to Products section from the right side of the page and click the Facebook Login -> Settings. In Client OAuth Settings section click the enable button. Fill the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs with and click save changes.

  9. Go to Settings Basic, fill up the form and in the bottom of the from you will see a button Add Platform. Click the button and choose website. Then set your website url in this section. [N.B: in the app domain section use “http://”, then ]

  10. Go to App Review and make your app public just turning on the switch.

  11. From the Dashboard, click on the show button to see the App Secret.

  12. Now copy the App ID and App Secret and paste it into your system and click save


15. How to configure google plus login api?

Answer :

  1. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings Site Settings Third party Settings

    Social Login Configuration.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings Site Settings Third party Settings

    Social Login Configuration.

  3. Turn the google login setting status on.

  4. For the client id, client secret and API key, go to and login to google account.

  5. From the sidebar click on the credentials and create a project.

  6. Then create a credentials by choosing the OAuth Client ID.

  7. Configure consent screen by giving the proper information and then save.

  8. Choose the application type, name and set the restrictions and create the credentials.

  9. After that, you will get the Client ID and Client Secret.

  10. Then click on the create credentials and choose API key and you will get API key.

  11. From the Library find out the google+ api. Click on it and enable the api.

  12. Copy the Client ID, Client Secret and API key and paste these to your system and set the redirect url. Then click on the save button.

16. How to manage customer?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Customer.

  3. From here, Admin can view the total purchase of the customers.

  4. Admin can view a summary of the customer profile and can delete customer.

  5. Admin can download the total list of the customers in pdf, xls or csv file format.

17. How to manage staff and permission role?


  1. From the Navigation, go to Staffs Staffs Permissions.

  2. Click Create Role button.

  3. Create a role by giving the permission that you want to handle that role.

  4. Then, go to Staffs All Staff and create an admin with the created role. Admin can edit the role permission and can delete role when it is unnecessary.

  1. How to send newsletter?


    • Log in to Admin Panel.

    • From the Navigation, go to Messaging Newsletter.

    • Enter the emails of the users and subscribers.

    • Enter the email from where the newsletter will be sent.

    • Enter the subject and contents of the newsletter.

    • Finish the process by clicking the send button.

  2. How to add a Language?


    To set language go to admin navigation > Language.

    • Add new language:

      • Click on “Add Language” button.

      • Insert language name & icon.

      • Click on the save button.

    • Word translation:

    • Click on “Set Translation” button on required language from the list.

    • Open google chrome and install this extension to your browser. onfhkkikfgjllcleb

    • Click on the extension icon located in the top of your browser and click on TRANSLATE THIS PAGE.

    • Choose your language from the drop-down and this will translate the whole page.

    • After that, scroll down and click on the Translate button. (the text “Translate” will

      be translated to your language)

    • Click on the save all button to translate the words. (the text “Save All” will be

      translated to your language)

    • Or you can translate each word manually.

  3. How to configure SMTP email system?


To configure SMTP email system, change the following features from your gmail account.

  1. Log in to your gmail account and go to 'My Account' by clicking on the image of the top right corner.

  2. Click the Sign-in & Security tab.

  3. Turn off the 2-step verification feature from Sign in to Google section.

  4. Turn on Allow less secure apps from Connected Apps & Sites section.

After making these changes from your gmail account, go to your Admin panel and follow these steps:

  1. From the navigation, go to Frontend Setting Site Settings General Settings.

  2. Click on the Smtp Settings tab.

  3. Fill up the form as below:

    Smtp host: ssl://

    Smtp port: 465

    Smtp user: YOUR GMAIL ID


  4. Click on the save button to save the changes.

and follow the steps on the page.

[ N.B: Sometimes it takes more time than usual to send mail, if the receiver is using other account but not gmail account. ]

21. How to add new currency?


  1. From the navigation, go to Business Settings Currency.

  2. Go to bottom of the All Currencies list.

  3. Fill up the last row of the list as below:

    • i. In the first column write the name of your currency.

    • ii. In the second column write the symbol of your currency.

    • iii. In the third and fourth column write the value of your currency which is equal to 1 USD.

    • iv. Publish your currency by clicking on the switch.

  4. Click on the save button to save the changes. 5.

22. How to add Google Map API key?


  1. Go to Google API Console.

  2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.

  3. If the API Manager page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select API Manager.

  4. On the left, choose Credentials.

  5. Click Create credentials and then select API key.

  6. Copy the API key and paste it to Frontend Settings Site Settings Third Party Settings Google map.

  7. Click on the save button to save the changes.

23. How to configure reCaptcha?


To configure your recaptcha you will need a google reCAPTCHA Site Key and a google reCAPTCHA Secret key.To obtain these API keys follow these steps:

  1. You need to sign up on .

  2. Click on Get reCAPTCHA button.

  3. If You don't have any sites registered, then Register a new site by your domain. [ reCAPTCHA will work for its subdomain automatically]

  4. Then you will get Site Key and Secret key.

  5. Go to Frontend Settings Site Settings Third Party Settings Captcha Settings

    of your admin panel and set API keys.

  6. Turn on the captcha status.

24. How to configure email templates?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Frontend Settings Site Settings Email Templates..

  3. Each email has a subject and a body. Change subject and body according to your desire.

  4. In the email body section, DO NOT change the words which are started with double third bracket (example: [[to]] ).

  5. Then click on the update button.

  6. Below this section, there is an option for changing the background of each email template. Choose any one background and then click on the update button.

25. How to configure currency format?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Currency.

  3. Scroll down to the set currency format section.

  4. Choose the currency format from any one of the three.( US format is set to default).

  5. Choose the symbol format from the given two format.

  6. Choose the no of decimal points you want to show in the price.

  7. Lastly, click on the save button to save the changes.

26. How to configure Paypal payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of paypal payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the Paypal Settings section, enter your valid paypal email and choose the account type.

  7. Sandbox account type is used for demo transactions. When you will be ready for business change your account type to original.

[N.B: If you don’t have a paypal account, you can create a paypal account from Paypal Registration and it’s free! ]

27. How to configure Stripe payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of Stripe payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the Stripe Settings section, enter Stripe Secret Key and Stripe Publishable Key which you have got from your stripe account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a stripe account, you can create a new one from Stripe Registration and

it’s free! ]

28. How to configure 2checkout payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of 2checkout payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the 2checkout Settings section, enter 2checkout User ID and Secret Key which are available in your 2checkout account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a twocheckout account, you can create a new one from 2checkout Signup

and it’s free! For demo purpose you can create a demo account 2checkout Sandbox Signup ]

29. How to configure Voguepay payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of Voguepay payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the Voguepay Settings section, enter Voguepay Merchant ID which is available in your

Voguepay account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from Voguepay Signup

and it’s free!]

30. How to configure PayUmoney payment gateway?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of PayUmoney payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the PayUmoney Settings section, enter PayUmoney Merchant ID, Merchant Salt and Account Type which is available in your PayUmoney account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from PayUmoney Signup and it’s

free! ]

31. How to configure SSL Commerze payment gateway?

Answer :

  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings Activation.

  3. Scroll down to the Payment Related section.

  4. Switch on by clicking the switchery of SSL Commerz payment gateway.

  5. Then from navigation, go to Business Settings Payment Methods.

  6. In the SSL Commerz Settings section, enter Ssl Store Id , Ssl Store Password and Account Type which is available in your SSL Commerz account.

[N.B: If you don’t have a voguepay account, you can create a new one from SSL Commerz Signup and it’s free! ]

32. How to pay vendor?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to vendors vendor list.

  3. Choose Pay button, check the amount & select the payment gateway(vendor need to set the gateway first from vendor panel) from dropdown.

  4. Then click on save.

  5. From navigation, go to Pay to Vendor & click on payment status > make it paid. Add any details if needed.

  6. Then click on save.

33. How to manage vendor payment settings from vendor panel?


From vendor panel vendor can set the payment gateway by which he/she can receive payment from admin.

  1. From navigation, go to Payment Settings.

  2. Vendor can switch on any given gateway & set the required credentials of the gateways.

  3. Then click on Save.

  1. . How to manage wallet system from admin?


    To manage the wallet system you need to go through the following steps :

    1. Log into Admin Panel.

    2. From the navigation, go to Customers Wallet Loads.

    3. Here you will find a list of wallet loads by all customers with the info of their Amount, Payment Method and Payment Status.

    4. Admin can View Payment Details or even Delete any Payments as he/she wishes.

  2. . How to deposit at wallet?


    A user can deposit at their wallet from their customer profile :

    1. Log in to your Customer Profile.

    2. Now select Wallet tab from Profile navigation bar.

    3. Click on Deposit to Wallet button.

    4. Select the Amount and Payment Method click the Deposit button.

    5. After your payment process is completed the amount will be deposited into your Wallet.

  3. . How to pay from wallet?


A user can pay from the deposited amount in Wallet :

  1. From Checkout in the Payment Option they will find a Wallet option.

  2. Select it and click the Place Order button to pay from Wallet.

37. How configure google analytics to system?


A user can simply set google analytics to his/her system by following the steps below :

  1. Go to Google Analytics.

    ( Note: If you have a Google account, and are not signed in, click Sign in. If you do not have a Google account, click Create Account to open a new account )

  2. Click Sign in to Google Analytics with your gmail account.

  3. Click Sign Up.

  4. Fill in your Account Name, Website Name, Website URL, and select an Industry Category and Reporting Time Zone.

  5. Under Data Sharing Options, check the boxes next to the options that you want.

  6. Click Get Tracking ID.

  7. From the Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement that opens, click I Accept.

  8. Now log in to your Admin panel and from Navigation go to Frontend Settings -> Site Settings -> Third Party Settings.

  9. Go to the Google Analytics tab and enable status option.

  10. Now input the Tracking ID previously acquired and save the settings.

38. How to purchase customer packages for classified?


  1. Registrar & log in as a customer.

  2. Go to top left side of the home page and click Premium packages

  3. From the premium package page customer need to choose their suitable package from 4 different packages Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum and click Get this package.

  4. Select your payment method from PayPal, Strip or Wallet and click confirm purchase.

39. How to post product from customer profile?


  1. Log in to customer profile.

  2. Go to left navigation bar and click POST PRODUCT

  3. Fill the text fields named Title, Category, sub category, Brand, Price, location, choose file for Product Image & then Product description.

  4. Customer can also add additional info by clicking Add more fields. And then click

Upload to complete the product uploading process.

40. How to create customer’s packages for classifieds?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to Customer Premium package.

  3. Choose Edit button, Select any of the designed package for editing and then click Upload.

41. How to manage Customer Profile?


  1. Registrar & log in as a customer.

  2. From the left navigation, customer can select these following sections.

  • Profile: Customer can see their profile info in a single look from the first page. Can also change their profile picture by clicking on the Picture icon in PROFILE INFORMATION section.

  • Wallet: Customer can deposit money to their online wallet in this section. Click on Deposit to Wallet and select amount & payment method.

  • Wishlist: Customer can see the list of their desired product and add them Cart or can also remove them.

  • Order History: Customer can see their detailed order history of products they buy and also trace them by putting the sale code of the product by ORDER TRACING section.

  • Downloads: In Downloads, customer will be able to see their purchased digital goods.

  • Uploaded Products: Customer will find their uploaded products list in this section. From Here customer can change their product Availability Status from available/sold by clicking the Edit button & also make their current product published or unpublished.

  • Package Payment Info: To check on package information go to Package Payment Info section where customers can see their Payment Type, Amount, Package Name, Date, Status & view transaction info

  • Edit Profile: Customers can change & update their Personal Info & profile

    Password from here.

  • Support Ticket: To communicate with admin customers can Create ticket from here and also check All messages.

  • Post Product: For posting a product go to the Post product section and fill up the info with Title, Category, subcategory, Brand, Price, location, choose file for Product Image & then Product description. Customers can also add additional info by clicking Add more fields.

42. How to delete contents?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to Delete Contents

  3. Choose from Delete All Categories, Delete All Products, Delete All Brands, Delete All Classifieds and click on the submission button.

43. How to use Guest checkout?


  1. Add product to the cart.

  2. Then click Checkout. After that click the Guest Checkout button that will appear in the login popup.

  3. Click Next option and fill up the information about First Name, Last Name, Address, email, phone number and click next.

  4. Select any payment method from Paypal, Stripe, Voguepay, PayUmoney , Cash On delivery system or Wallet loads. And click Place Order.

  5. After successful purchasing payment invoice will be shown up and buyer will receive an invoice mail too.

  6. Admin will be notified when a buyer purchases a product from his sales section.

  7. Admin will be able to change the delivery status, can view the Full invoice and also can

delete it from his admin panel.

44. How to manage activation from admin panel?


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the navigation, go to Business Settings. And select Activation.

  3. Admin can enable/disable activation options for Physical Product, Digital Product, Product Bundle, Classified Product, Vendor System, Show Vendors and Wallet System from this section.

45. How to Activate Vendor Commision System? Answer:

  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to Business Settings.

  3. Select Activation.

  4. Admin can enable/disable the vendor commision system from this section. When admin activates the commision system, Vendor package activation will automatically turn off. Between the Vendor commision system & vendor Package system, Admin can activate one of them at a time.

46. How to set Vendor Commision? Answer :

  1. Log in to the admin panel

  2. From the Navigation, go to Vendors.

  3. Select Vendor commision.

  4. Admin can set the commision percentage for vendors from this section.

47. How to configure SEO settings? Answer :

  1. Log into the Admin panel.

  2. From the Navigation, go to SEO Settings.

  3. Admin can add keywords, Author, set revisit days and add description from this section.

48. How to Manage Product Affiliation ? Answer :

  1. Login to Admin panel.

  2. You need to enable “Product Affiliation” to use this feature from left Navigation > Business setting > Activation – Product Affiliation.

  3. Then go to Frontend Settings > Site Settings > General Settings – Affiliation Settings


  4. Set the Affiliation Validity ( After This Many Days The Validation For Affiliated Code Will Expire. Default 30 Days), Affiliation Point To Currency Rate ( 1 Point = X Mount Of Your Currency. Putting 3.2 Here Means If You Convert 10 Affiliated Points To Wallet, You Will Get 10 X

    3.2 = 32 Of Your Currency. Default 1 A.P. = 1 Actual Currency ) and then click on the Save

    button to save the changes.

  5. Admin can set Affiliation Points for products by Sub Category in Subcategory

Add or edit.

49. How to Use Product Affiliation ?


  1. Login as a Customer.

  2. In the product Quick View or Product Details page you will get a button named ‘Affiliate

    , Click on the affiliate button and copy the link.

  3. Share this link with your friends and family.

  4. You will get an Affiliate point when anyone purchase product by your shared link.

  1. How to set redirect redirect urls for social logins?



    the redirect url should be: [http/https]://[your_site_url]/home/login_set/back/fart Google

    the redirect url should be: [http/https]://[your_site_url]/home/login_set

  2. How to add Facebook Chat ?


From admin panel go to Frontend Settings > Third party settings > Facebook chat configuaration

You must set the facebook page id and the switch must be on. How do I find my Facebook Page ID? To find your Page ID: Go to your facebook page.

  1. From News Feed, click Pages in the left side menu.

  2. Click your Page name to go to your Page.

  3. Click About in the left column. If you don't see About in the left column, click See More.

  4. Scroll down to find your Page ID below More Info.

51. How to add Bitcoin (coinpayments) ?


Sign up to


Generate a new button from

An html is genarated.Do not copy the whole form just copy the merchant id

Set the merhant id in Supers Shop's admin panel->Business Settings->Payment Method Make sure to turn Bitcoin on from admin panel->Business Settings->Activation

From coin settings check bit coin Set the currency to usd


Testing cannot be done by bitcoin

So, while testing another coin Litecoin Testnet must also be checked.


Before going to live uncheck this.

Read the article below to understand how to test with Litecoin Testnet (LTCT) integration

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